Vector Files Conversion

Vector File Conversion
Converting your image file into vector format
Most images are made from pixels which with small square shapes of colours. We need to covert the images into lines and change into a vector file format that able to read by the printing machine. Some high-quality vector files are not suitable for auto-tracing and only can be using manual/ hand tracing method and depends on how the complexity of the image. The conversion price will be a charge based on the difficulty level of the artwork/ logo.
Image / Raster File
Converting Your Raster file / Graphical Logo File / Text Logo File Into Vector Format
A raster image is photos or graphics that captured from a digital camera or by scanning a photo. Raster image uses square pixels which is a bit of colours to convey an image and it is larger than a vector file. Furthermore, the raster image usually cannot be edited or modified, and the types of raster image are in jpeg, jpg, gif, tiff and bmp.
An image showing (besides) is an example of a poor resolution file which is a raster image in pixel form. This type of image is not able to be print or engraves into the products because of the machine not able to read the format.
Converted To Vector Format
Process of Logo Trace/ Conversion
There are two types of image trace, which is text/ word/ letter and logo/ graphic/ icon. The best method of the convert to a raster file into a vector format for text/ word/ letter trace is by the manual trace in order to have the best result. Logo/ graphic/ icon trace will be time-consuming compared to tracing text. Some logos are required the skilled designer to do the manual tracing or extra touch up on the artwork/ logo.
Best file to send us: AI, EPS, PDF
Overview Of Logo Trace
Here shows a blur and pixel image to a sharp vector file.
We strongly encourage our customer to send us your artwork/ logo in original vector file that is editable in order to save time and avoid extra charges on conversion. Besides, it also printable on anywhere.
Contact us for more information about logo conversion charges, email us at [email protected]